The butterfly exhibit was open on our second visit in March. Too many butterflies to count! They flocked around the misters, landed on the flowers, foliage, people and netting. If you stay still enough they will come visit, perhaps on your shoulder or hat.
Blooming cactus everywhere you look.
Such a brilliant purple color.If you look closely, a few ants dot the plant tips.
The coral orange colored blossoms are striking against the green cactus.
Painted Lady. The sun is reflecting nicely off her lower wing.
She was equally interested in staring right back at me.
Painted Lady. The contrast of the purple, white flowers against her bright orange is breathtaking.
There are literally hundreds of butterflies throughout this exhibit.
Pipevine Swallowtail. The iridescent blue colors against the midnight black sure stand out.
Make sure to take a look at my very first visit to this botanical garden in my January post. It’s filled with a plethora of pictures sure to delight!
Awesome photos of the cactus and butterflies!
Two of my most favorite things to see at the Garden!