You cannot do a kindness too soon, for you will never know how soon it will be too late.
Ralph Waldo Emerson

Sometimes I have a bad habit of waiting till the last minute to do things.  I had been meaning to buy Maggie some winter gloves as she had been complaining about her hands being cold.  I was distracted by my kid who was visiting from China.  It wasn’t till Jan 4 I had a free morning.  We looked over the selection at REI.  The gloves were pricier than other places but I did have a member dividend I needed to use.  Sadly when I tried to use it at the cashier it turned out the dividend expired Jan 3.  Cashier said I could try asking customer service for an extension.  After getting through the long customer service line I was informed they can’t do anything at the store level.  After a call to the customer service line I was informed they don’t give extensions but the funds will be well spent.


A trip to Costco resulted in gloves for half the price.  Crisis averted Maggie didn’t kick me out of the bedroom.  Don’t wait till the last minute or beyond like I did.  My New Year’s resolution is to take care of stuff promptly.

5556 Copley Dr
San Diego, CA 92111
(858) 279-4400

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4 Responses to REI

  1. Faye says:

    Loved the Emerson quote. Will have to remember that at work today. I always feel defeated with expired points or rewards.

  2. Maggie Addleman says:

    If I was the REI phone representative person, I would have reinstated your rewards my dear. I’m surprised REI does not have superior customer service.

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