Karsten Thot Bridge, Wahiawa, Hawaii

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This bridge captured my attention so I just had to stop and take a look. The contrast between the steel lines seemingly floating against the sky filled with clouds is striking.

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Walking along the short path to the bridge I noticed a small group of people huddled together down the embankment. Kept walking towards the bridge, noticed a dog walking along with his owner directly across the street from me. For some reason (unbeknownst to me at the time) I kept my eye on the dog. Upon approaching two male strangers along the narrow path, the dog balked and tried to bolt across the street towards me into oncoming cars. Frantically the dog was looking to get away from these strange men and clearly his owner could not control the dog. This all happened so fast in a mere few seconds it seems. Locking eyes with the dog I used my dog hand signal for stop and yelled stop very firmly. The dog stopped and looked at me, waiting, again in a firm voice I told him good stop. After another very long few seconds, the dog finally relaxed and stopped freaking out. It was clear to me I was in the right place at the right time. Good doggy.

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Not long after visiting this bridge I found out it’s overdue for some much needed repairs, painting and road improvement starting in August 2015. To be completed in six phases, with the last phase projected to end in May 2016. Darn, now that means we will have to come back and visit the bridge. :>)

Wonder if I’ll see the dog again? You never know.

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About Maggie Addleman

A couple since 2003 and now on the precipice of this new journey, our fondest hope is this website serves a purpose. One of useful information presented in an elegant, beautiful photographic setting. Together we love to discover new restaurants, food trucks, diners, café’s, huts or where ever we find food being served. The love of artful, carefully crafted, passionately orchestrated food, beverages and let’s not forget desert, Is something we both enjoy immensely. Immersing ourselves in the history, culture and surrounding locations of our adventures hopefully leads to not only meeting new people, but making new friends, sharing ideas, listening to stories and learning something new everyday. Maggie
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