Dr. Manhattan: “There is no future. There is no past. Do you see? Time is simultaneous, an intricately structured jewel that humans insist on viewing one edge at a time, when the whole design is visible in every facet.”
Alan Moore – Watchmen

There use to be more places like this. These old cafes… I miss these old places from when I was young. These old places had character. Like the old donut shop I started going to when I was 3. The rickety screen door which didn’t quite close properly. The scent of fresh donuts and apple pie which wafted out into the street.

Izzy’s. Doesn’t look like much from the outside but inside are treasures from the past and delicious scents. Inside is what I have spent my life looking for since they blew up Jack and took fried apple turnovers off the menu at Jack in the Box. Fried apple pie. Flaky crust. Unique flavor of fried pastry dough. Filling with equal parts apple and sweetness. They call it a fried apple pie but it tastes just like a Jack In The Box hot apple turnover. Best fried apple pie I have ever had.

Another thing Izzy’s makes better than anywhere else are the country potatoes. Crispy outside and and creamy inside with rich potato flavor. Brisket was tender and had a bit of smoky aroma. Pulled pork was melt in your mouth tender. Sauce had a bit of tang to offset the sweetness.

Pork ribs were very tender and had nice smoky flavor. Peach pie had the same delicious fried pastry flavor plus the peach filling flavor.

Izzy’s. Place is a gem. Delicious fried pies bring me back to days past when donuts and apple pies were available beyond the rickety screen door of the nearby donut shop.

If you go call the day before and reserve a pie. They sell out fast.
Izzy’s Cafe
1252 Broadway
El Cajon, CA 92021
(619) 447-5067
It looks like a hole in the wall, being right next to a dentist’s office! They need a bigger sign and entrance! Yum, looks like you enjoy everything here! The old school phone is awesome!
They have another entrance but I thought the back way through the parking lot was cooler looking. It’s the pies that are the best I’ve found. 🙂 You should go visit and see if you can make a call on the phone Lynn!