Albert Lewis: Chris, “here” is big enough for everyone to have their own private universe. Thought is real. Physical is the illusion. Ironic, huh? Your brain is meat, rots, disappears. Do you really think that’s all there was to you? Like you’re in your house right now. You’re in your house, that doesn’t mean you are your house. House falls down, you get out and walk away. Richard Matheson.
My first impression walking in was pure giddy, excitement as I walked around the outdoor seating area, discovering a dog play area and a dog seating area next to your table! The menu includes items for your dog; Angus beef or chicken breast burger, scrambled eggs or a quarter pound hot dog. What more could a dog owner ask for?
My burger was flavorful and really huge! It included bacon, blue cheese and caramelized onions with a side of fries. My only small concern was part of my bun and a small portion of my burger was a bit too charred. But it tasted so good I just ate it anyways.
Second visit with BF and dog Bear, had to try out the breakfast menu.

Cool review! You should get feedback from Bear about how he liked Doghouse.