There is something about brick buildings that I just adore. Maybe it’s the architecture, symmetry or the lovely brick red color, it makes a statement loud and clear. Here I am! Come on inside! This place appealed to me right from the start. A genuine replica of Boston’s original Green Dragon Tavern, demolished in 1854. Silly people, didn’t they know what they were tearing down?
Well, right to the point the museum is lovely, filled with some original historic documents, some replica’s, newspaper articles from the same time period, framed Saturday Evening Post cover’s, quotes from some of our past Presidents, beautiful paintings and historic time capsule window box’s.

The food was not quite as good, just okay. My crab cakes were tender and seasoned nicely. The aioli sauce was a bit too salty. I’d give them another try, however I’m not sure if I could convince BF. His dish was extremely too salty and when he told the assistant manager, she was nice of course, but did not offer another dish. Just said she would notify the cook. Hmm, it’s really hard for me anyway, to tell the people waiting on you that you don’t like your dish. Then when you finally do, the response it nice but lacking in strong customer service. The right thing for any wait staff or assistant to do is to simply ask how can they make it better? Then the customer would have the chance to maybe ask for another dish or appetizer or whatever they had in mind. It’s a simple gesture that goes a long way.
The second floor of dining overlooks the first and has plenty of scenic views out the windows. Probably makes for a great special event space, plus they do have other rooms specifically for events. Very elegant, classy place.

That’s good you loved the building. You should build your own house of bricks!
Sounds fun!
Paintings look nice! I would not be happy with that response when my dish was too salty. You can add but you can’t take away! Hmm did Soo stop eating it afterwards?
Thanks! I enjoyed looking at each one. Yea I think that was the standard response unfortunately.