William F. Ritschel was a California impressionist painter, born in Nuremberg, Germany on July 11, 1864. During his youth he worked as a sailor and began sketching seascapes.

William spent his first summer, Carmel by the Sea in 1911 and seven years later purchased a studio-residence in the Carmel Highlands.

Edward J. Holslag, born in Buffalo, NY in 1870. He painted murals in the Congressional Library and painted a series of murals in banks and hotels around the nation. His 1917 mural in the Congress Hotel in Chicago measured two and a half miles long and adorned eleven corridors. Whoa! An itinerant artist, Holslag wandered all over the world in search of subject matter. He made many trips to California where he painted several coastal scenes.

Literally so many paintings and artwork to admire here. Singled out my favorite because they caught my eye and inspired me.
559 Pacific Street, Monterey, CA 93940
What do you like about his paintings?
Interesting and inspiring, how the perspective of the painting changes as you move farther away from it. Just like it would in real life.
I like to get close and inspect each blob of paint.
Evelyn McCormick was my great great grandmother I would loved to find an original painting of hers I only have one and I think it’s 1 of our very 1st early ones but I have 30 plus original paintings from her daughter my nana her name was otheo weston
That is really cool! Good look on your search for the painting.
Such a precious treasure to have one of your great grandmother’s paintings! And so many of your nana’s. Makes me wonder if you paint as well? If you haven’t already you should visit the Monterey Museum of Art, hopefully you don’t live too far away. Wonder if they would display your nana’s paintings too.