9.19.2016. Grey are the rain clouds. Rain falls gently onto the sea.
Sand on the beach is mostly untouched. It’s Monday. Coney Island feels lonely.
Everything is closed on the boardwalk except the New York Aquarium.
A few joggers go by.
Nathan’s is celebrating 100 years. Wish it was open so I could celebrate with them.
Coney Island reminds me of Belmont Park in Pacific Beach when I was a kid. There is the Cyclone an old wooden roller coaster. I loved the clack clack sound the coaster would make as you go on the ride like on a train. I see a big Ferris wheel called the Wonder Wheel. I loved getting up high and being able to see the whole area.
There are county fair type food stands, and the scent of sea salt in the air. Missing is the scent of cotton candy and the screams of kids on the rides.
I walk past all the gated store fronts. If only I could get a taste of the ice cream, Nathan’s hot dogs, or cotton candy. I enjoy the lovely view of the sand and the sea. I imagine this place filled with people like Belmont Park was when I was a kid. It’s getting late and I must go. I will have to return in summer to see if Coney Island is like those magical moments from my childhood…
We should have chanted; OPEN OPEN OPEN to all the closed doors! Wonder why they are only open on the weekends? Lovely photo’s as always!
I’m guessing they only have enough kids and tourists on weekdays during the summer…
That was depressing
Are they typically closed on Mondays during this season? I went to Belmont earlier this year and it was so touristy. Everything was expensive and it no longer seemed ‘magical’ compared to when I was younger and visited. It’s funny b/c I only know Coney Island b/c of Nathans since they host the July 4th Hot Dog Eating contest. I look forward to that competition every 4th!
They are only open on weekends after summer is over.
I loved Belmont Park in the 70’s. It’s really different now. Coney Island has a 70’s feel to it. I gotta see it when it’s open. Have you ever been to the competition?