Casmalia, CA. I look out the window at rows and rows of lettuce. There are some farm workers picking the ripe ones and boxing them up. On some patches of land grass grows and cows are grazing. I remember these same scenes driving up highway 101 to San Francisco when I was 8. It’s good […]
Month: January 2017
Nine Ten Restaurant and Bar La Jolla SD Restaurant Week Preview

This is another joint post, enjoy! First portion written by Maggie. The ambiance is exquisite. Low lighting, interesting, colorful artwork, comfortable seating (includes a pillow) combined with crisp white table linens, deep color wood throughout makes a welcome sight for the eyes. The entire staff is well rehearsed in seamless transition from door to table and […]
SDRW press party with the Girl Scouts cookie-off competition

Steps. So many steps. Back in the day I use to walk up and down the steps to every condo in my complex with my kid to sell and deliver Girl Scout cookies. It was nice seeing my neighbors huddled by the light of their big screen tv’s purchased at Walmart during the last black […]
Maggie’s Cafe

I use to visit this area back when my mom wanted to visit a friend who lived nearby. Nice old well maintained houses and pretty quiet. I didn’t know there were food places around here. One day I noticed a food deal for Maggie’s Cafe. I knew I had to visit as my girlfriend’s name […]
Tournament of Roses Post Parade Showcase of Floats presented by Miracle-Gro
In 1890 The Pasadena Valley Hunt Club started the parade. In 1895, the Tournament of Roses Association was formed to take charge of the festival. Today few floats are still built exclusively by volunteers, most are constructed by professional float building companies and take nearly a year to finish.
Tournament of Roses Post Parade

There are certain things I looked forward to every winter vacation. Getting up early to see what Santa brought. Eating exotic goodies. Watching the Rose Parade on tv with mom. It was amazing what could be done with flowers, plants and seeds. This year I looked forward to seeing the floats in person.
Streetcar Merchants
Each time I hear the name Streetcar Merchants I envision the trolley cars in San Francisco filled with merchants selling their wares.
Maggie’s Cafe San Diego
The moon on the breast of the new-fallen snow Gave the lustre of mid-day to objects below. When, what to my wondering eyes should appear, But a miniature sleigh, and eight tiny reindeer.