Sun shone down on me. Wind rustled against the sail. Sea spray was blinding me as the wind picked up. I felt so alive speeding across the bay.. It was my first time out on a catamaran with just my kid. In the past we had gone windsurfing but now the sail was much bigger and we were catching a lot more wind. We were tacking into a turn the wind got stronger and we lost control of the sail. Next thing I knew I was flying into the water and the catamaran flipped over. Water was freezing. My car keys had flown out of my pocket and sank to the bottom of the bay. Me and my kid couldn’t right the catamaran and waited in the freezing water for the bay patrol to rescue us.

Busy Bee Locks and Keys
386 East H St
Ste 209
Chula Vista, CA 91910
(619) 271-6364
Photo of Mission Bay is breathtaking! Delightful read, and wonderful photos. Have a great day guys!
Thanks! Mission Bay is a nice place to hang out.
I only trust locksmith’s with making my replacement/spare keys. Never had a problem when they make it…..your local “home” store on the other hand….
Has something bad happened at the “home” store? The only thing I’ve noticed is the spare doesn’t open as well as the original. I never had a problem at the locksmith.