Sun shone down on me. Wind rustled against the sail. Sea spray was blinding me as the wind picked up. I felt so alive speeding across the bay.. It was my first time out on a catamaran with just my kid. In the past we had gone windsurfing but now the sail was much bigger […]
Month: July 2017
Lil’ Dipper

When the night is long and hot. There is a place in my hood I find relief. Cold chills my tongue and heat drains from my body. Flavor of huckleberrys and cream fills my mouth. I never had huckleberrys before but they are delicious. A bit like blueberries. Lil Dipper is my only source of Huckleberry […]
Angelo’s Burgers

Updated follow up They re-painted the happy fellow out front, complete with glasses, mustache and a tattoo. So I just had to take his picture once again. Plus I’ve tried out a few more dishes of course, so I must share.
Sears – UTC

Sears was one of the coolest stores when I was a kid. I remember when I was 4 we took the bus on an adventure to the only one in town on Christmas Eve. Sadly it closed early and we didn’t get to go inside. It was the biggest store I ever shopped at and […]
Costco Business Center Warehouse Food Court

I’ve been eating lunch’s at this Costco’s food court for the past few years. It’s super cheap, the portions are large and the food is pretty tasty. Plus it’s always fun to see if the people line up correctly between the yellow lines or not. There always seems to be that one person who’s […]
Mark’s Bark

I visit Mark’s Bark in the off season. During football season I stay home and pray to the football gods. Wish Mark was open days other than Sunday. If not for the bbq signs it’s hard to tell what is inside. The building is nondescript. Inside you can tell it use to be a bar.
The Kebab Shop TKS

This was my first time going to The Kebab Shop so little did I realize what a treat I was in for. Once we entered and found a table the owner Wally greeted each person and pointed out where the numerous selections of beer could be found. It was hard to choose; Ballast Point […]