My heart was racing as my trembling hands operated the controls. Metal claw was shaking wildly as it moved above the Ugly Dolls.
I would only be able to free one if I was lucky. A blue one named Fibby appeared to be waving me in. I reached down and grabbed onto Fibby tightly as the claw was shaking on it’s way to freedom. Fibby made it to the tunnel to freedom but landed on the opening and was stuck. Friendly attendant freed him and I took him home. This was the first time I ever freed anything from the claw machine. 🙂

I stood in line the following day and freed Fibby’s friend Sporko.

There are other exciting moments at Comic Con. Walking around the convention floor there are giveaways but you have to be quick and get into line before the line is capped. One of my favorite areas is the traditional book publishers booths where they give out books several times a day.
Hope I get in again next year. You can read part 1 here.
Comic Con International San Diego
111 W Harbor Dr
San Diego Convention Center
San Diego, CA 92101
Great job with the claw machine! Hooray for Sporko and Fibby! They make good companions! Love the picture of you and Jacque at the Uglydoll exhibit.
Thanks! Lots of cool stuff at the con. 🙂
whoa! how often did people win a prize from the claw machine? it was always somewhat impossible on the carnival versions! i didn’t pick up too much stuff during comic con this year. got lazy by the third day.
My observations: After 7 or 8 people failed to win the guy scooped up prizes from the bottom and fluffed it. Then people started winning. By the time it was my turn every 4 or 5 people were winning. It seemed like the pro’s who could gauge which prizes were winnable did well. I would have lost on a normal machine as while I did grab the prize and it dropped by the exit hatch the Ugly Dolls got stuck on the edge of the hatch and the operator had to free them.