Mirror mirror on the wall who’s the fairest of them all? I think of this rhyme as I stroll leisurely through this garden. It’s impossible to pick the fairest flower, tree, shrub, fruit, vegetable, rock formation, bird, insect or lizard. Such an overabundance of visual happiness!

Each time I see quail I’m reminded of my little brother. When we were in elementary school he had a pet quail he rescued and nursed back to health. We were both super sad the day we had to let it go in the backyard. Still love the unique sound the quail make while talking to each other.
There are many quail to be found in the shady areas. Followed a few going under the nearest bush. They were not very cooperative about getting their picture taken, kept moving around each time I was ready to snap the shot. I really enjoyed watching them.

One of the places I enjoy the most are Botanical gardens. Especially if there are birds to keep you company. I just thrive in the peace of nature, the gentleness of each tree swaying in the wind, the busy bee’s climbing over each flower and the sun casting interesting shadows over each leaf or flower petal. Sitting for hours on a bench taking it all in always makes me feel better.

Stay tuned for part two and part three! If you’d like more information about this botanical garden click here.
3450 Dairy Creek Rd, San Luis Obispo, CA 93405
Great photos of the garden! That’s good you found a lizard friend. Too bad you didn’t make friends with the quail. The orange flower reminds me of mango.
Think that lizard was smiling at me! The quail like it better if you stay still. Makes them a bit nervous if you walk towards them, especially holding a camera. I’m sure I’ll capture a picture of them yet!
Beautiful garden! Awww Mr. Lizard wanted to say hello!
He was super friendly! Bet he would have let me pet him. :>)