I was in the Phoenix area looking for the extremely elusive Cherry Vanilla Blue Bell ice cream and discovered Angelo’s Italian Ice + Gelato in a Walmart. I love trying unique frozen treats so I picked up an Italian Ice and a gelato container.

Creamy, silky smooth, sweet vanilla flavor. Less butterfat than premium ice cream like Hagaan Daz. I like the smoother texture. Angelo’s Vanilla Bean Gelato is very tasty.
Angelo’s Italian Ices Citrus Rainbow flavor has a mix of lemon, lime, and orange flavors. I love the flavor mix. Texture is icy. Feels like eating a popsicle.
Normally I buy Blue Bell Ice Cream when I visit Arizona but Angelo’s makes some good treats.
1606 S Signal Butte Rd
Mesa, AZ 85209
Glad you found some gelato you like. :>)
I enjoyed the Italian ice too! 🙂