I watched when they finished construction of the Price Center and the UCSD Bookstore. I visited early in morning when it was quiet and occasionally shrouded in fog. I loved those eerie mornings you couldn’t see the treetops.
I purchased my first Mac SE from the UCSD Bookstore. Apple was the first company to make computers with a graphical user interface and a mouse.
I would come by every few months and grab an educational price list to see how much more I needed to save before my big purchase. When that day came I hurried home and started installing software from floppy disks. I never see those disks around anymore. I still have that sense of excitement when I buy a new computer. I returned to the UCSD Bookstore and purchased a Mac Quadra 610 which was the first computer with an optional card with an Intel cpu that allowed it to also run Microsoft Dos. Next I bought a Power Macintosh G3 which was the first tower computer with pastel colors.
The Power Mac G4 Cube was the coolest looking computer I’ve owned. Reminds me of the Borg Cube.
The Mac Mini was the smallest desktop computer I’ve owned.
My 2008 MacBook Pro was the first laptop computer to be made from a single piece of aluminum. There is a detailed article of the CNC process on Appleinsider.
UCSD Bookstore has been my favorite spot to buy my computers as they have an educational discount making it typically the cheapest place to buy a Mac. They have a back to school sale where in the the past an iPod on Beats were given with a Mac purchase. Also they have a twice a year no sales tax sale.

I was here when the Bookstore occupied both floors of the space with the side entrance occupied by the Sunshine Store.
In recent years Amazon has taken over that area and where the computers were.
Now they are remodeling and Target is taking over the 2nd floor.
The UCSD Bookstore is becoming more corporate.
I miss those early days when this place was filled with books and the old timer computer guys that could help me with my Sun Sparc problems or replace parts in my Mac. I miss seeing the fog roll in hiding the treetops.
9500 Gilman Dr
La Jolla, CA 92093
La Jolla, CA 92093
(858) 534-7323
Great pictures of the buildings!
Thanks! There is some cool architecture at UCSD.