In the days of my youth I remember the icy cold glass bottle in my hand during hot summer days. Droplets of water dripped down the sides. Some times I’d hold the cold bottle to my forehead before I opened and bottle and took a drink. Hires Root Beer or 7UP chilled me to my core and for a few blissful moments the heat was kept at bay. Collecting empty bottles at construction sites would finance my next purchase till the drink manufacturers phased out cleaning and refilling glass bottles.
Lately glass bottles have been making a come back. I prefer the glass bottles as you don’t have chemicals in plastic bottles or the lining of aluminum cans leaching into your drink. While under lockdown I was looking for a treat.
My thoughts drifted back to my last visit to Solvang. Viking Garden Restaurant had Death Valley Root Beer on tap. It was one of the best tasting root beers I had tried. I did a google search and found Blooms Candy & Soda Pop Shop had Death Valley Root Beer in the glass bottle. They had a minimum shipping charge so I put in a big order so shipping wasn’t greater than the purchase cost.
Subtotal : $29.41 USD
Shipping : $20.36 USD
Total : $49.77 USD

A week after I placed my order a big box showed up on my porch. Inside I noticed each bottle was individually wrapped in bubble wrap while surrounded by Styrofoam peanuts. Each bottle was very well protected and none damaged.
Red Rock root beer was sweet with a caramel flavor. Medium amount of foam. Pretty good. A little like A&W root beer.
Mexican Squirt has a bold grapefruit flavor and there is a good deal of sweetness to cut that tart flavor. My second fav drink from Blooms.

In the days of my youth I remember the icy cold bottle of Hires root beer in my hand. These days I have an icy cold bottle of Death Valley root beer in my hand.
Blooms Candy & Soda Pop Shop
1106 W Main St
Carrollton, TX 75006
(972) 416-5230
You should make a root beer float with all that soda!