Gotta bit behind with my monthly box updates so I’ve combined two months.

Sometimes toys get recalled for specific reasons and they let you know fairly quickly which toy it is and what to watch out for. An option is also given for a replacement.

December’s box theme was the Peanut’s gang! Just love them! Bear could not decide between the Snoopy toy and the Snoopy bone, as he adored both. Unfortunately the nylon bone had to be taken away as the black sides were easily chewed off in little bits. If I succeed in removing all the thin black sides then I think the rest of the nylon bone should be fine.

The replacement toy was a glow in the dark rubber football. It bounces a bit when we play fetch which Bear loves.

January’s box was a hit. Think Bears favorite was the nylon and rubber rose with stem toy. He can chew this or play fetch with me, very fun. The blue goggles ball he adores and we’ve played fetch so often he keeps losing it on our patio. Inevitably it rolls behind a box or plant. Only he can make it squeak which delights him to no end. The nylon bottle opener is another favorite chew toy added to his arsenal.
I’ve been hiding his treats in his food, it’s fun to watch him move his food around to find them.

That’s good Bear is enjoying his toys and treats.
Keeps him busy!