Do you remember the first time you kissed your hearts desire? Not that awkward first kiss where you clumsily sought out her lips but that one long deep kiss you never wanted to end.
I remember my first delicious bacon hamburger at Hodad’s. The rich beef flavor with some char from the griddle and maybe a hint of salt. The delicious perfectly cooked bacon. There is a bit of crunch and the salty flavor gives the burger a nice kick. Mmmm…
The wedge fries have big fat potato flavor mixed with seasoning salt.
The vanilla shake is my fav in town. Ordered extra thick it’s almost pure ice cream. So beautiful when it comes out of the kitchen with a huge scoop of ice cream as a crown. Reminds me of Thrifty’s vanilla ice cream but more creamy and with more vanilla goodness. I found out they used Castle Rock ice cream. Wish they sold it in stores but Hodad’s is the only place I’ve seen it in San Diego. Shake part is cold and creamy surrounded by ice cream.
I also tried the mini bacon hamburger. Flavor is similar to the regular bacon hamburger except the thinner beef patty is not as juicy. Best to come when really hungry and get the regular.

Hodad’s burgers and shakes are so good I wish I could just stay and keep on eating but the burger is quite filling and the shake is twice the size you get at other places. I stumble off into the light and savor my food coma.
945 Broadway
San Diego CA 92101
619 234-6323
Thanks Soo now I want a shake ha ha. Aside from the vibe I think the downtown location does a good job at living up to the original, and even pre-COVID, it was never as crowded.
I don’t like waiting in line for an hour so I have been going to the Downtown location when I want a burger and shake. 🙂
Yup now I’m hungry and want a chocolate shake with fries! Yes I agree less crowded is much better.
I’m one of the few people who enjoys jury duty. Why? Aside from the free day off from work, I go to the downtown courthouse and then walk to Hodadies for lunch. 🍔
You must be a fast walker! I don’t mind jury duty but I usually go to closer lunch spots.