Found this gem hiding within a large shiny glass office building across the street from Embassy Suites.
Month: October 2021
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Julian Beer Co.

I love visiting Julian. There is a friendly small town feel here. We drive up on weekdays when it is somewhat quiet.
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Sunrise Deli & Grill

Sunrise Deli is in an interesting spot amongst a bunch of industrial buildings.
Ecovivarium / 641 East Pennsylvania Avenue. Escondido, CA 92025

Originally I found out about this place from the monthly Smithsonian Magazine free museum day.
- Post by Soo
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Elite Experience at Candles on Tap

I remember the first candle I made. After driving through Lion Country Safari we went to the gift shop where they had a candle machine where you put in coins and you could watch as wax poured into a mold forming your candle.