I’ve been taking my cockatiels here for checkups and such about a half dozen times since 2015. They are very knowledgeable in all aspects concerning my birds health and well being. Each visit I learn something new about my babies.

My most recent visit this October was for Maddie. She was just not looking well. Which for birds is often a sign its too late. They instinctively hide illness. She was given some antibiotics for a seven day stretch. Maddie started perking up and is doing well now.
Both my cockatiels had a check up in September with blood work. A clean bill of health for both. Except they are overweight for the first time! Wow this was a surprise to me. Now I make sure each one does a bit of flying or walking around the house everyday. Supervised of course! It seems they got spoiled just hanging out with us and not moving around much.
November update: Both Maddie & Raffie decided it was egg laying time. Usually they share a nest, taking turns sitting on the eggs. This time they each have a nest, sitting on their eggs separately. After laying three eggs each in less than a week it was time for a checkup and Lupron shots. This always gets them to stop for a period of time. Last shot they stopped for about six months. I’ll keep my fingers crossed.
It’s been a few weeks in since the Lupron shots and both of my ladies seem very relieved and more perky. Thank you Dr. Jenkins & Dr. Gillet!

Nice looking establishment.
It’s obvious how much all the employee’s love everyone’s pets.