My dog loves grass. When he was a puppy he’d eat it, roll in it and sleep in it. When we moved years ago, grass was no longer available in the back yard as it’s now a patio.
Flash forward to today, my dog still loves grass. So he occasionally attempts to eat my potted plants only to throw it up 20 minutes later.
I’ve pondered how to fix his grass addiction. Local dog parks are just fenced in dirt lots. And the so called potty grass patches get super heavy after repeated uses.
So I decided to try growing his very own grass patch in my glass aquarium. I purchased my seeds via Amazon. Much to my surprise the seeds germinated very quickly and grew over 12 inches tall!
After repeatedly assuring my dog he would not get in trouble and this was indeed his grass aquarium, he happily munches on it daily. Sometimes I cut off a few handfuls and sprinkle it on his bed so he can roll around in it too. Doggie nirvana achieved!

That’s great you have your own lawn!
Well kinda, can’t sit on it or roll around in it, unless you are super small. But it sure looks pretty.