The end came quickly. It started with a 25% sale January 15, 2022. That took care of most items in the store.
Then on January 20 they started a 50% off sale. I arrived 10 minutes after the store opened and there is not much left.

I will miss Bristol Farms. I liked to bike here in the morning and see what exotic fruit they have.
For lunch I visited the deli for tri tip and other meats.
The ice cream section had some delicious ice cream brands I didn’t see at other stores.

Before Bristol Farms took over this was an Albertson’s. Maggie worked in the bakery for a short time. I liked coming by to visit her.
Kirk and Cathy of mmm-yoso!!! wrote about Bristol Farms too.
This is the end
Beautiful friend
This is the end
My only friend, the end
The End – The Doors
Bristol Farms
8510 Genesse Ave.
San Diego, CA 92122
(858) 558-4180
It’s nice to know they are transferring their employee’s to other stores like Lazy Acres. Yes I do remember you and Jacque coming to visit me in the bakery. She was much younger and enjoyed running around with you. It will be strange to see how the new construction will transform this property.
It’s unlikely it will be as good as it was.
I know Bristol Farms is on the pricier side but as you note I like the more varied selection from what you can get at mainstream places. Hopefully Bristol Farms will find a home elsewhere in San Diego otherwise they will all be in L.A. and north now.
I was told Lazy Acres is owned by Bristol Farms and is similar. There is one in Encinitas. I’ll give them a try.