Before my purchase I scoured the internet for the best rebounder reviews. Bellicon rated the highest overall for performance, customer service and workmanship.

Since my two back surgeries I’ve had to be very careful with any type of exercise I do. So I was very pleased to find out rebounders can be low impact and hand rails can be added. Making this a real choice for me.
While ordering my rebounder I loved how they give you choices for the bungee cord colors, the legs (foldable or screw-on), the rebounder size and the type of add on hand bars. I ordered mine in mid-February and received it four weeks later. Given all the current supply chain issues and the fact these are made in Germany, I was impressed with how quickly it arrived.
The rebounder comes mostly assembled. All you gotta do is figure out where you’d like to place it, attach the legs and the hand bars. I’ve bounced gently on it a few times and I’m impressed with how quiet it is (no squeaky springs) and how easy the bounce is. I’m very happy with my Bellicon so far and hope my back continues to feel the same.

Cool contraption!
They seem to be popular with fitness enthusiasts. I’m very happy with it.