I like visiting bakeries when they open in the morning and breathe deep the aroma of fresh baked goodies.

I arrived at Corner Bakery a bit before opening time. Peering through the window I didn’t see anybody until a few minutes after 7am. I had a bad feeling as I entered. I did not smell anything baking.
The air here was cold and dead like a tomb.

I surveyed the bakery case and picked a bundt cake.
I took a bite and found it hard. Not much flavor. Definitely stale.
Examining the cross section I saw that the outer half inch was transforming into a yellow glob while the inside was still fluffy.
I estimate the bundt cake had been sitting in the case for at least 2 days. I’ve had treats sit at home for a day and while the fresh flavor is gone you don’t have this huge transformation in texture. Back when Corner Bakery was new right before closing time they would give away all the stuff in the bakery case and they would bake fresh the next day. It appears that is no longer the case.
2nd visit I tried a sugar cookie. Cookies was hard. Flavor had some sweetness and had some of the typical flavor you get from a sugar cookie. I could tell this cookie wasn’t fresh but it had not turned stale yet.

It appears Corner Bakery keeps their baked goods in the case till they sell. When I visited last year they had stale treats then as well.
Canele bakery 2 blocks away has the freshest baked goods in the area and I go there when I crave fresh baked treats.
Corner Bakery
4575 La Jolla Village Dr
San Diego, CA 92122
(858) 453-1333
That is the most descriptive sentence I’ve ever read for a bakery. “The air here was cold and dead like a tomb.” Whomever decided to stop fresh baking each day should rethink this practice. I get the pandemic was life-changing for many businesses but this is just ridiculous. Nobody will want to buy any bakery goods here!
Somebody has to bake the treats at some point so there is a chance of getting fresh treats just like a broken pocket watch gives the correct time exactly twice per day.
Once upon a time I used to enjoy the chicken tortilla soup here, but I haven’t visited in several years. Looks like quality has gone way down. Do they even make stuff in-house or is it just brought in from outside and assembled on site?
They still have people in the kitchen but I don’t get the feeling they are baking stuff. I went to Marie Calendar’s today and I saw them baking pies. 🙂
They still have people in the kitchen but I don’t get the feeling they are baking stuff. I went to Marie Calendar’s today and I saw them baking pies. 🙂
It’s too bad as I love Corner Bakery cookies and cakes when they are fresh.