If you’re keen on learning more about the history of this family farm then make sure to take the tractor ride.

It’s an extra $8.00 per person round trip. An audio recording plays during the ride detailing many interesting facts. Once you get to the drop off point, walking around the field is encouraged. Then hop back on the tractor when you need to return.
One of my favorite yearly flower displays is the American flag made with petunias. Once in full bloom it can be seen at the intersection going into the Costco parking lot across the street. However it’s even more impressive close up. This is done to honor all of our veterans and military service members.
After enjoying the gorgeous ranunculus flowers it was time to watch two bird aviary’s containing doves and finches. While sipping my coffee I watched the cute zebra finches eating seeds and coming to look at me.
On the way out I stopped at the Armstrong garden center and bought a small pot of ranunculus flowers, white with pink speckles of course.
They offer a season ticket for the blooming season, March thru May. The money we spent on our daily pass went towards the season pass. Not sure if this is something that is offered all the time or if it was just on the day went went. Either way it was great!
They offer a plethora of events and workshops that can be found on their website. Along with advance ticket purchase, bloom status, ranunculus flowers available for shipping nationwide and educational programs.

Lovely photos of the flowers!
Thanks, they are so beautiful.