As our time at Monument Valley was drawing to a clos. We remembered Will Cowboy suggested we visit Forrest Gump Point.

The spot is where Forrest Gump stopped his run across the country and back.
Lovely and desolate except for the tourist walking in the middle of the road for selfies.
Forrest: [running] I had run for 3 years, 2 months, 14 days, and 16 hours.
[he stops and turns around]
Young Man Running: Quiet, quiet! He’s gonna say something!
Forrest: I’m pretty tired… I think I’ll go home now.
Forrest Gump Point
Hwy 163, Mexican Hat, UT 84531
37°06’09.5″N 109°59’21.1″W
Zion/Monument Valley/Las Vegas trip 2023
Part 1 Croshaw’s Gourmet Pies
Part 2 Red Button Ice Cream @ Bee’s Marketplace
Part 2 Arrowhead Country Inn
Part 3 Thunderbird Restaurant
Part 4 Zion National Park
Part 5 Ironhorse Restaurant
Part 6 Big Al’s Burgers at The Junction
Part 7 Big John’s Texas BBQ
Part 8 The View Hotel/Cabins
Part 9 Goulding’s Stagecoach Restaurant
Part 10 Navajo Spirit Tours
Part 11 Goulding’s Museum
Part 12 Forest Gump Point
Maggie’s reviews
Zion Mount Carmel Tunnel and Highway
‘Upon reflection Forrest realized his running helped him let go of the past.’
Great pictures of the landscape!
Thanks! Elephants never forget.
How awesome! Visiting filming locations has always been one of my favorite reasons to travel.
Cool. You should post about the places you’ve been.
Forrest Gump point is a fun stop!
It was fun watching people stand in the middle of the road taking photos.