In my youth I loved going to the beach and making sand castles. I made big ones and small ones depending on the tools available. We usually left before the tide came in. I dreamed of growing up and buying a house on the beach. Then I could work on intricate sand castles with towers and moats everyday.
When I left the nest Bed Bath and Beyond was where I went to fill my place with the basics that living at home provided. I remember using those ubiquitous 20% off coupons and store sales to get deals on my first Dyson, Wustof knives, storage containers, bath towels, and rugs.
In high school my first retail job was at Handyman. After that store closure I didn’t see my co-workers again till one day I was shopping at Bed Bath and Beyond. Nice to see they were doing well and still in the neighborhood.
Now the end is near and only stuff nobody wants is left. Long gone are the Dysons and Wustof knives. My place is too full of stuff for me to take advantage of the 90% off sale. Goodbye old friend. You will be missed.
I never did get that house on the beach but I did get a townhouse near the ocean. I enjoy the fog some mornings and can ride my bike to the land’s edge.

So let’s blame this excess
On an American dream
So let’s blame the success
Of an American dream
Feeling so high and low
It’s the American dream
Love & Rockets – An American Dream
Bed Bath & Beyond
1750 Camino Del Rio N
San Diego, CA 92108
(619) 295-9888
Sad they are going out of business. The girls sure had fun making that sand castle!
Yup. I’m gonna miss shopping there.
Sad to see that they’re closing!
Yes. They were my favorite source of household stuff.
I was sad to see the Chula Vista store go as well. It had been there forever.
I guess I’ll have to buy my home stuff at Costco or… Did you get anything at the clearance sale?
Nothing on my end either, I’ve become a minimalist in my old age and try not to buy anything unless I absolutely need it. Plus by the time I heard about the closure it was in the last few days and like in your experience anything worthwhile was probably long gone!
Me too. I’m running out of room. I need to sort through my stuff and donate some things so I’ll have room to buy stuff.