I’m a fan of Shark Tank because I just love to see joyous success stories. This is how I found out about Long Table Pancakes.

When I was younger Bisquick or Krusteaz pancake mix was perfect for me. Light, fluffy with little flavor of their own. Butter, syrup, or fresh fruit was required for them to taste good.
After many years of this I grew tired of the flavorless pancake. So I went in search of something better. When I saw the episode of Long Table Pancakes I was intrigued. During the pitch to the Sharks, Samuel (founder) mentioned using ancient heirloom grains not in general use anymore by the big flour companies. And working with regenerative farmers. This sounded like a winner to me.
So I ordered two varieties online; popcorn and blue corn. They were put on back order as sales went thru the roof after Shark Tank aired. Once I received my order (a few months later) I followed the instructions (on the back of package) whilst cooking my new pancakes.
Wow does not really cover it. Let me just start by saying these stand alone with nothing thrown on top like syrup. Flavorful all on their own, light, fluffy yet filling. I only needed one to get really full! Well I do make a rather large pancake, but still just one to fill me up is a welcome change.
After eating half my pancake with nothing on it I added butter and syrup. Just delightful with layers of flavor and good for you grains. Absolutely love it, just love it!
This is now my official go to pancake to make at home. Thanks Long Table for caring enough to make such a sustainable, environmentally friendly product.
P.S. They also offer gluten free option & organic aged maple syrup (with or without sparkles)!

Thanks for the info, I’ll have to look into these cakes!
Your welcome! Hope you love them as much as I do!
Those pancakes are pretty good!
Glad you liked them!
Love the taste of Blue Corn, Long Table heirloom Pancake & Waffle mix. I don’t usually cook pancakes or waffles so I didn’t know how hot or how long to cook in a pan or in a griddle. Wish that instruction was on the package. I used a griddle and referred to another brand cooking instructions.
My mix was very thick and had to spread it out to 4” for 4 pancakes. Next time I’ll try to spread to 6”. I will also add 1 tablespoon more milk and see if that helps.
I’m glad you like the pancake/waffle mix Sharon!
Try emailing the company at; eat@longtablepancakes.com.
I’m sure they’d be glad to give you some pointers!