The Sorrento Valley food court has gone through a year long remodel and is very nice. I noticed Coxinha Store has just opened up. They have a variety of Brazilian treats.
As I was checking out the menu the nice cashier offered me a sample of a chicken croquette. Looked like a potato ball and had an amazing crispy outer layer inside was white meat chicken. Very tasty.
I ordered 2 beef empanadas. Took 8 minutes to make and it came out hot with a crunchy and flaky crust. Loved the texture.
Inside was very good quality ground beef. Very tender with no chewy bits. Flavor was a little salty and I didn’t like a flavor which I think was from the olive. Excellent empanada as long as you like the olive flavor.
Guaraná Antarctica soda is a drink I only see at Brazilian restaurants. Love the unique flavor of Amazon Rainforest fruit.
Coxinha Store has a very friendly cashier providing excellent service. Loved the texture of the croquettes and empanadas.

Great drink selection.

Coxinha Store
9450 Scranton Rd
San Diego, CA 92121
858 412-3309
The chicken croquette sounds yummy.
You would have loved it!
I sometimes meet clients in that area and this will definitely be a spot where I can check out! Thanks for this post!
You are welcome Cathy! Hope you enjoy the Brazilian food.
Nice find, I’m glad that San Diego’s restaurant scene continues to explore different cuisines from around the world.
Thanks! It’s a nice change from what you usually see at the food court.