Bok Bok Dok


10 Replies to “Bok Bok Dok”

  1. Cute name!

    1. Cute logo too!

  2. Sounds like some hit and miss, seems like there are some simple quality assurance things they could do to improve the experience (and the food).

    1. Wish they had salt and pepper wings like Golden Chopsticks.

  3. This place has the same owner as Formoosa and Steamy Piggy Soo.

  4. Thanks for the heads up Kirk! I’ll have to check out Formoosa. Steamy Piggy was ok.

    1. Formoosa was pretty bad as was Steamy Piggy

      1. Thanks for the clarification!

  5. Hi Soo! Thank u for posting this. You gave me an idea where to go next when I get back to San Diego. Regards!

    1. You are welcome! Happy Easter!

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