Yosemite National Park

Wawona Tunnel

I love seeing trees so I was looking forward to visiting Yosemite National Park.   I was not disappointed.   I saw California black oak, ponderosa pine, cedar, and white fir trees.


Bridaveil Fall


Bridaveil Fall

I also saw waterfalls and a rainbow.  Yosemite was established in 1864 and covers over 1,200 square miles.

The sights were amazing and I loved the scent of the forest.

Half Dome

Yosemite Valley, to me, is always a sunrise, a glitter of green and golden wonder in a vast edifice of stone and space.

Ansel Adams


Yosemite National Park
Tioga Rd Hwy 120 & Hwy 140
Yosemite National Park, CA 95389


Spring 2024 road trip to Yosemite + King’s Canyon National Parks:
Golden Dragon was our 1st stop for food.
We stayed at Worldmark Bass Lake.
We visited the California State Mining & Mineral Museum.
We visited the Mariposa Museum & History Center.
Smokehouse 41 was our 2nd stop for food.
We visited Pioneer Yosemite History Center.
Maggie wrote about Yosemite Museum.
Maggie wrote about Yosemite National Park

2 Replies to “Yosemite National Park”

  1. Great pictures!

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