Red Lobster

“I like the stars. It’s the illusion of permanence, I think. I mean, they’re always flaring up and caving in and going out. But from here, I can pretend…I can pretend that things last. I can pretend that lives last longer than moments. Gods come, and gods go. Mortals flicker and flash and fade. Worlds don’t last; and stars and galaxies are transient, fleeting things that twinkle like fireflies and vanish into cold and dust. But I can pretend…”
The Sandman – Neil Gaiman

Red Lobster
3780 Sports Arena Blvd.
San Diego, CA 92110

2 Replies to “Red Lobster”

  1. Thanks for the cheddar cheese biscuits! Even those were a bit different from when they first opened. Sad they had to close.

    1. You are welcome!

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