Love the first paragraph you read as you enter the Golden House website, as every word of it is spot on.
Chinese Food
Chinese Food
Panda Inn – Horton Plaza

In the beginning I remember old seedy movie theaters on this spot of land. They were demolished to make way for Horton Plaza. I liked the bright pastels and the design was like something out of an Escher artwork. It’s easy to get lost in Horton Plaza. I avoid losing my car here by parking […]
Golden Chopsticks

[Marcus Aurelius] “You have proved your valor yet again Maximus. Let us hope for the last time.” [Maximus] “There is no one left to fight sire.” [Marcus Aurelius] “There is always someone left to fight.” Gladiator
Mandarin Canton Restaurant
Just like those little Viewmaster slides, there’s a inherent magic that’s captured in 3D that you can’t get in drawn animation or in CG. Henry Selick There are things captured in my memory that persist to this day. My first Viewmaster with images of the San Diego Zoo back in the early days. My first […]
Pig Heaven – New York
“Little pig, little pig, let me in. Little pig, little pig, let me in.” “Not by the hair of my chinny chin chin!” “I’m going to huff and puff” (little louder) “Huff and puff” (little louder) “Huff and puff” 3 Little Pigs Cute pigs inside and outside.
China Max
This is the place my family likes to go to celebrate special occasions. China Max is one of the nicest Chinese restaurants in town.
Henry’s Hunan
My first visit to San Francisco with Mari we found the most delicious fried rice ever at Chef Jia’s. The flavors from the wok, the seasonings, and the meats were divine. After they closed we have tried the fried rice at many places but none have been as good. Seeing as Chef Jia’s was a […]
Road trip San Diego to San Francisco Day 5
We decided to spend the 4th of July at the San Francisco Botanical Garden. On the way we were distracted by this beautiful church. Could not resist taking photos of those weathered bricks…