I started day 2 of my Del Mar Fair adventure at Reno’s Fish & Chips. You can read about Day 1 here. This time I went with my old favorite fried cod and zucchini.
Fried zucchini
Del Mar Fair – Day 1

This year I visited the fair twice to see as much as I could and still have a relaxing visit. Also I wanted to try more food than I could eat in one day. You can read about Day 2 here. I started with lunch at Reno’s Fish & Chips where I ordered fried catfish […]
Greek Style Chicken – 1468 Graves Ave

Clouds float over the mountains in the distance. I gaze upon the unique shapes the nearby clouds make. This Greek Style Chicken has an awesome view. I visited the day before my birthday and the day before Maggie’s birthday. We joined the birthday club and within one day of your birthday you get 25% off […]
Farmer Boys / Breakfast Burgers & More

This is another joint post. Please be kind include both writers in your comments. Thanks. First portion written by Soo I remember the orange groves and the green leafy vegetables. When I was a kid we drove through Escondido to get to the Wild Animal Park. Out the car window fruits and veggies grew in […]
Del Mar Fair 2017

I breathe deep the delicious scents. Turkey legs are being smoked over a wood grill. Sweet scent of cotton candy being spun. Various meat on skewers are smoking. Chicken is pan fried. One of my favorite times of year is when summer starts and the Del Mar fair opens. So much delicious food waiting for […]
Mr. Fish & Chips

I’ve been here at least a half dozen times or so and I’ll have to say the owner is always there working hard, is genuinely friendly with everyone, knows his customers by name and makes you feel very welcome indeed. Because of this I always look forward to my visits.
Greek Chicken – Winter Gardens

Gold sparkles before me. Bright like the sun. Scent of fried fish teases me. Thin tempura batter crunches in my mouth. Contrasts with the juicy fresh Alaskan cod. Flavors remind me of the fish and chips I get at the Del Mar Fair every year. Batter provides just enough saltiness to liven up the mild […]
Angelo’s Burgers

Who can resist this huge statue of a slightly balding, smiling gentleman holding a cheeseburger and a frosty cold one? He reminds me a bit of the old Bob’s Big Boy statue’s that seemed to be almost everywhere you went in the 70’s and 80’s. He too was holding a cheeseburger.