Secret Sister has an amazing selection of sourdough. The baked goods are based on a 150 year old sourdough starter. I first tasted their sourdough while dining at Mabel’s Gone Fishing.
Post by Soo
Sunday Ice Cream
I love trying ice cream and noticed Sunday Ice Cream a few parking lots away from Dumpling Inn.
Coop’s West Texas BBQ
Scent of mesquite smoke fills the air. I watch smoke pouring out of the smoker. Reminds me of some great bbq joints I visited in North Carolina. Set the smoke free.
Little Fox Cups + Cones
In the beginning Meghan had a tiny shop with a small window and sold ice cream from a cooler. Things have changed since those early years.
Bok Bok Dok
I love fried chicken wings and was excited to see a new place with fried chicken wings to try.
The Flower Fields
I first saw the The Flower Fields from afar driving to Costco. They had an American flag formed from flowers. Lovely.