The long anticipated newest extension of the San Diego Trolley line finally opened November 2021.
Public transportation
San Diego Trolley. The Green line from Fashion Valley to SDSU

We decided to do a day trip using public transit from our house to SDSU. This way my daughter would be more familiar with all the in’s and out’s in preparation for her college commute each day.
Salvation Army Donation Drop Off / 5196 Governor Drive San Diego, CA

This location is easily overlooked I think since it’s set back from the street and super close to the 805 freeway. It’s one of those park and ride lots that are few and far between now.
Del Mar Fair – Day 2

I started day 2 of my Del Mar Fair adventure at Reno’s Fish & Chips. You can read about Day 1 here. This time I went with my old favorite fried cod and zucchini.
UCSD Trolley construction

I like seeing how things are made and how they work. When I was a kid I liked watching construction projects and taking stuff apart. Back in the old days most things were held together by screws so the world was mine after I found where our screwdrivers were kept. The key was remembering how […]
New York Subway’s ‘The Q Train’
The precision subway stops, the constant ebb and flow of people, the loud roar of the engines, the screeching of the brakes, the impressive crowd body instinctively knowing which direction to go, where to sit or stop and never tripping, running into anybody or falling over, so impressive.