It’s raining again. I seem to visit when it rains. This time I’m here to try the Sunday brunch.
baby back ribs
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Brown’s Bbq

I was excited to see oxtails on the menu at Brown’s Bbq. Sadly they didn’t have any when I visited. I asked the owner and found out he only makes oxtail when enough people have requested it and there is an oxtail event.
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The Hitching Post II

I was staying in Solvang and excited to see a Hitching Post restaurant nearby. Delicious scent of oak smoke was strong in the parking lot. There were many meat and fish choices on the menu but I can’t resist quail and ribs. I watched as the flames cooked my meal.
Buckboard’s Barbeque and Brew

There are a bunch of 2 story apartments around here. I remember days of old living in various apartments like these and playing outside watching the cars go by.
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Rudy’s “Country Store” and Bar-B-Q – Goodyear Az

Whenever I’m in Arizona I make a point of visiting Rudy’s BBQ.
Bowlegged BBQ

You can smell the smoke a block away. I lucked out and found parking along the street in front. Scent of smoke is much stronger now. I walked over to the side of the building and found the source.
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Smokin J’s BBQ

Scent of smoke is in the air. My heart is beating faster. Lips wet in anticipation. Feels tender in my mouth. Good amount of fat. I bite down and juices fill my mouth. I taste smoky beef, fat, and dry rub. So good.