I love visiting Old Town. You never know what cool stuff you will see.

Most of the time I cook my own breakfast. There are a few spots where I enjoy the breakfast experience.
- Deli
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Sunrise Deli & Grill

Sunrise Deli is in an interesting spot amongst a bunch of industrial buildings.
Scramble – Scottsdale

I don’t go out for breakfast that much as it’s something I tend to cook myself. Maggie loves going out for breakfast so she found a spot she wanted to try. She also loves being safe so we tried online ordering.
Elite Perk: Ike’s Love & Sandwiches

When I was a kid I made sandwiches with white bread made by Weber’s. I alternated between ham or peanut butter and jelly. They were good when the bread was fresh from the store.
Home Sweet Home Cafe

I remember visiting The Sun Cafe when I was able to walk. Working people filled the booths and counter. There was the sense of history inside. The cafe first opened in 1925. My parents’ friends the Jeong family took it over in 1962. They let us look around the kitchen and offered us a meal […]
Argyle Steakhouse / 7447 Batiquitos Drive Carlsbad, CA. 92011

Note: Joint post by both myself, Maggie and Soo. Please be kind and include both of us when commenting. Thank you! First portion written by Maggie.