In 1987 I voted to raise my taxes with TransNet to extend the trolley to UTC expecting to take the trolley downtown to Comic Con. Seems the government spent all that money and asked for more money in 2004 with TransNet 2. This time they actually started working on the trolley. I watched them […]
Comic Con

Back when I first started coming here they went all out for Comic Con. They printed special menu’s for Comic Con and I met R2D2 out front. Now this place greets me with a waiting list. The employees still dress up. The service is really good. The guy at the front managing the waiting […]
San Diego Comic Con July 21 2016
Resistance is futile. The Borg – Star Trek I look forward to going to Comic Con every summer. Sadly I didn’t get a badge this year and was left to wander aimlessly outside the convention center.