This was my very first visit here. I’ll have to say their signature chicken and bright friendly service is what will keep me coming back.
Home Sweet Home Cafe

I remember visiting The Sun Cafe when I was able to walk. Working people filled the booths and counter. There was the sense of history inside. The cafe first opened in 1925. My parents’ friends the Jeong family took it over in 1962. They let us look around the kitchen and offered us a meal […]
Smokey’s Lake Wohlford Cafe

Birds are chirping. Frogs are croaking. An eagle is circling overhead. Scent of rain fills the air. Roar of thunder comes down the mountain. Lake Wohlford is a nice relaxing spot to get away from the city. I have passed by the lake many times on the way to Valley View Casino.
Farmer Boys / Breakfast Burgers & More

This is another joint post. Please be kind include both writers in your comments. Thanks. First portion written by Soo I remember the orange groves and the green leafy vegetables. When I was a kid we drove through Escondido to get to the Wild Animal Park. Out the car window fruits and veggies grew in […]