I started day 2 of my Del Mar Fair adventure at Reno’s Fish & Chips. You can read about Day 1 here. This time I went with my old favorite fried cod and zucchini.
fried cod
Greek Chicken – Winter Gardens

Gold sparkles before me. Bright like the sun. Scent of fried fish teases me. Thin tempura batter crunches in my mouth. Contrasts with the juicy fresh Alaskan cod. Flavors remind me of the fish and chips I get at the Del Mar Fair every year. Batter provides just enough saltiness to liven up the mild […]
Road trip San Diego to San Francisco Day 6
Got up early to pack the car as we were leaving San Francisco today. I found this. Seems some thieves busted my window to take a panda neck pillow and a bag filled with coupons and grocery store loyalty cards. There was surveillance video of some hooded figure at 5am July 5 doing a smash […]
Del Mar Fair
Through the rabbit hole Caterpillar gives advice See the white rabbit. Breathe deep the delicious scents in the air. Smoky bbq is the strongest. I love the places that smoke/grill with wood. Then there are the fryer scents from Chicken Charlie’s and the fish and chip places. I love coming here each year to see […]