In the glory days Rei do Gado occupied 2 store fronts and there was a samba dancer Friday and Saturdays. Now it’s smaller and quieter. The food is as good as ever.
Rei Do Gado
Black Angus – El Cajon

In the days of my youth there were many more darkened steakhouses. They are now a dying breed. Black Angus has closed their Mira Mesa, Clairemont, and Friars Rd locations. Their El Cajon location is now the closest. We went to try it out as they are now open for dine in.
Rei’ do Gado Brazilian Steakhouse

A few times per year we (Soo & me, Maggie) like to combine our posts and this is one of them! To figure out whom wrote what, we just insert ‘Above portion written by’ (then one of our names of course) at the end of each summary. Hope you enjoy our collaboration!