You can smell it from the parking lot. The sweet scent of Santa Maria bbq. I arrived at 5pm and there was a big dinner crowd waiting to get in. Looks like reservations are in order for the next dinner here. Server was friendly and kept my soda water refilled.
Santa Maria
Solvang Farmer’s Market

While walking through the farmers market I was looking for tasty strawberries. I saw 4 vendors with nice looking strawberries. One vendor had strawberries with aroma that wafted into the walkway. I followed the scent and asked where the strawberries were grown.
The Swiss Restaurant + Bar – Santa Maria

I love the small town feel to Santa Maria. Staying at Herb’s airbnb 1920’s Craftsman bungalow accentuated that feeling. When I was in elementary school I had friends who lived in classic Craftsman houses and I wanted to live in one ever since. There is a sense of history living in a structure that has […]
Road trip San Diego to San Francisco Day 7
This is the end. Our drive to San Francisco and back was a glorious adventure and this is the day we have to go home.
Road trip San Diego to San Francisco Day 6
Got up early to pack the car as we were leaving San Francisco today. I found this. Seems some thieves busted my window to take a panda neck pillow and a bag filled with coupons and grocery store loyalty cards. There was surveillance video of some hooded figure at 5am July 5 doing a smash […]